Judging by the big,
toothy grin on this guy’s face, I think he is tired of being a “Monoga-moose” and is seriously interested in
finding a young lady moose to spend some quality time with. Considering what a good-lookin’ hunka
Moose-flesh he is, I think he might have a good chance of finding his
soul mate.
I am
particularly pleased with this piece. I
have produced a couple of “cartoony” moose carvings before, but I feel that this
is the first time that I have managed to get a true caricature of a moose -- or
any other animal for that matter.
But, once again
I can’t take all of the credit. Through
the wonderful world of the Internet and the fact that most woodcarvers post
pictures of their work, years ago I found a picture of a carved, love-struck
moose that had fallen in love with a tree stump whose twisted branches had a
certain “lady moose-ish” sort of flair.
Thanks to whoever you are for the inspiration.
I carved this
little guy for my Daughter-in-law. A
couple of months ago – yes…sigh…I’m that far behind in my postings -- I
was showing off a little diorama (circa 2004) entitled “Love in Bloom” (see
below). The characters were Morton, the very
shy male moose, Juanita, the not-so-shy lady moose and the little guy on the
stump who just couldn’t stand to watch what was about to happen, Seymour
Squirrel. “G” asked if I could carve her
a moose and how could I refuse:-).
Love in Bloom with Morton, Juanita and Seymour |
Not much to
say about the piece other than I like it.
‘Til next
time…and I’ll try not to make it quite so long…keep makin’ chips!